Room Parents are room Heroes! Team PTA!



We know that each of you volunteer because you care about your kids’ experience and want to help in the best way you can!


Being a room parent will allow you some perspectives and opportunities you wouldn’t otherwise have. You'll have the satisfaction of knowing you helped a busy teacher organize a fun event and made important connections to your school. You will establish yourself as a member of your school community. And perhaps best of all, you will have the opportunity to participate in your child’s school life in a special way. So check “yes” on the form — it’s well worth it.



What is a Room Parent?

Room Parents are the official liaisons between teachers and families. As a Room Parent, you may be asked to partner with other parents to chaperone field trips or help plan class events, assist teachers in prepping homework folders, and do a bit of outreach for needed class supplies or teacher gifts. Many classes opt to have more than one Room Parent to help share the work. Some teachers may want a lot of help (or very little); asking your teachers, talking to previous Room Parents and PTA folks are good ways to learn more about the role.


Check out our Room Parent Guide for the details. You can also reach out to our Room Parent Coordinator, Mandy Bonsall, with any questions!



What are the Responsibilities?


Different teachers have different needs — and your role will vary from grade to grade. But all Room Parents share some things in common: a desire to pitch in, great organizational and communication skills, and the time, energy, and enthusiasm for helping out in a hands-on way. Here are some things you may be asked to do:

  • Help the teachers communicate with parents
  • Plan & organize class events
  • Recruit other parent volunteers
  • Meet with your teacher as needed and with other Room Parents regularly
  • Solicit & collect supply donations
  • Organize teacher appreciation information & classroom gifts
  • Act as a resource for new families, as needed
  • Share your experience and advice with incoming room parents



How do I Volunteer?


Visit > My Account > My Forms/Paperwork to view all the volunteer opportunities.

There will be different volunteer forms throughout the year for our various programs, so check back often. You can also reach out to our Room Parent Coordinator, Mandy Bonsall, with any questions!!